Sunday, February 21, 2010

What I've learned so far

I've been married for a little over 6 months now. I am no expert, but I have learned a lot in those months. I've learned that marriage can bring out the best and the worst in yourself and in your spouse. Hopefully, you see the best more than you see the worst.

I've also learned that on some days, it is the best thing in the world. Then, the next day, you want to kill them. Yesterday, I experienced the latter. I wanted to strangle my husband. It didn't matter what he did, what he said, or if he just left me alone. I just wanted to kill him.

Once again, I know this goes back to my plate being a little too full. I had a test to complete, paper to write, a computer that wasn't cooperating, journal abstracts to complete, and research that needed to be done. And then, he lost his wallet. You would have thought the world was going to end. I'm neck deep in work, and all he can do is yell at me to help him find it. I checked our bank online and knew that no-one had it so I wasn't too concerned. But the world was ending. At least he thought so.

So I helped out. Mainly because I knew the quicker he found it, the quicker he could get out of my hair. Lo and behold it had fallen off the table into my work bag so crisis was averted. At least that crisis. By that time, my desire to kill him had increased. I had lost 30 valuable minutes of work time, and now I was off-task. Once I get side-tracked, it is hard for me to get back into the work mode. But he wasn't concerned about that.

Men and women think differently. I truly believe that they are from different planets. All he could focus on was that he could not find his wallet. Me on the other hand, all I was worried about was finishing my work and making sure no-one was using our checking account. No-one was so I was good to go back to work. I don't make him search frantically when I lose my keys or cell phone for the hundredth time. Just a difference in gender. And brain capacities. Just kidding.

I believe marriage is a wonderful thing even if your not crazy-in-love everyday. Hollywood love is just that. Hollywood. Not real. It's important to know that when you enter a relationship, and especially marriage. Life isn't roses and candlelight dinners all the time. It's about sharing chores, driving each other bonkers, compromise, and learning how to love each other through the rough times. Love isn't a's a choice.

If it was just a feeling, everyone would end up divorced. Feelings come and go. Marriage is supposed to be forever. That's the goal. That's the choice we make everyday. So instead of killing my husband, I choose to love him. I choose to move past the little annoyances. Because I know that I would want him to do the same thing.

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