Saturday, February 20, 2010


I don't know what it is, but for some reason, children cannot handle snow days. When school finally starts back up, they seem to have forgotten all their senses. ALL OF THEM. It's like they forgot how to behave.

I work 3 days a week at an elementary school as a speech therapist. I haven't worked a full week since mid-January. Between snow days, professional development conferences, and countless IEP meetings, therapy has been hit or miss. On Friday, I headed back into work for a full day of work. And by noon, I was ready to either kick some children or drink heavily. Yes, it was that bad.

I had kids crawling on the ground, whining because we weren't playing the game they wanted, and being flat out brats. There is nothing I can't stand more than a bratty, disrespectful child. Needless to say, I yelled...ALOT...and sent kids back to their rooms. It was a rock and cry kind of day.

I have never been more happy to leave that parking lot. When I got home, the hubs recognized the stress that was written all over my face and decided we needed to go out and have some fun. So we headed out last night for some good music, time with good friends, and to forget about our day! It worked wonders. Now, I'm actually considering going back on Monday...maybe.

Sometimes, no matter how much you love your job, work just...for lack of a better Especially right now for me. It seems to take a whole lot less to make me want to curl up in a ball and sleep for the next 3 months. I have way too many assignments due, drive about 7.5 hours each week for grad school, and have to sit in class for 8 hours. Time. There is just not enough of it available.

I was talking to a friend from school, and she feels the same way. She pointed out a very important will all be over soon. What a relief. I graduate in 10 months, and its a good thing, because otherwise I would probably quit. Its not years, just months. And months seems to be manageable. Now if only I could get the kids to cooperate.

And if they don't, Lord help them. Because they will have one crazed-speech therapist on their hands. And thats not good for anyone.

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