Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Home... and other adventures

So after last night's frustrating phone call, I was finally able to talk to my hubs. Turns out, the random woman had no clue what she was talking about and plans were back to normal. So at 1:45 am (they were early) I drag my happy butt out of bed, throw on some sweat pants, and head to post in Blake's Jeep.

Now, I have a love-hate relationship with this Jeep. I love it when there is lots of snow (such as this weekend) but I hate it every other day of the week. And I also hate driving on post...especially early in the morning. I have no clue which gate will be open, where to go, or how to get there. So I see that gate 4 is open (gate 7 is closest to my husband's company, but of course it was not open at 2 am). If you never have been on a military post, when you go through the gates they check your ID. You also have to turn off your lights before you come in so you don't blind the ID checker.

Enter another reason for me to dislike the Army. I remembered to turn off my lights, but it was 2 am which means that I was extremely tired and I can't see for anything. All I knew is that I needed to find Indiana Avenue. And then there were red and blue flashing lights. Thats right. Some MP (military police) had the nerve to pull me over! Didn't he know it was 2 am and I needed to pick up my husband who I hadn't seen in a month?!?!?! Noooo. Did he care? Noooo.

So after he asks for a thousand documents (license, registration, proof of insurance, and military ID), I ask him why I'm being pulled over. What had I done? I had forgotten to turn my lights back on after I went through the gate. Imagine that-I have no clue where I'm going, running on 3 hours of sleep, and I just want to get to my husband. No wonder I forgot. He ended up giving me a verbal warning after he called for back up (Yes, that's right. A second cop car pulls up with lights flashing. Seriously?).

Anyways, after all that he finally directed me to where I was supposed to be going and I successfully found my way to the company! Hurray! It's always a good day when I get where I'm going. So I arrived at 2:30. Just in time to wait forever (okay, it was only a half hour) to see him. Poor Blake. He was so excited to see me. And then my impatience sets in. I hate waiting. Especially at 2:30 am after I've been pulled over. Enter my impatient text messages:

-Are you close to being ready?
-I'm dying out here!
-I'm about to leave and go back to sleep.
-Do you think someone could bring you home?

That's right. It's all fun and exciting to have him home...until it's 3 am and I'm sleep deprived. But in all honesty, when we arrived at 5:30 am, my little apartment finally felt like home again. No more laying awake in bed thinking about all the gremlins and goblins that were going to get me in the middle of the night. (Yes, I am still afraid of the dark at 23. Don't judge.) I finally have my protector back. I just don't know what I am going to do in a few months when they decide to take him away again. Maybe he'll have a broken leg by then ;)

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