Saturday, February 6, 2010

What's life without a little bit of spoiling?

My poor Husband. He had no idea what he was getting himself into. I am spoiled. Beyond belief. I was the first girl grandchild on my Mom's side, and all my other cousins on my Dad's side are at least 10 years older than me if not more. So it's been this way since birth. And I love it. Needless to say, I am use to getting my way.

I have been dying to buy a food processor for about two weeks now. I bought my Mom one for her birthday in January, and it revolutionized my world. It does everything! It makes bread, mixes cookie dough and batters, slices, shreds, and chops. I fell in love.

The best part about it was that it came with this amazing salsa recipe. I am a salsa conniseur. I pick Mexican restaurants based on their salsa. I have been searching for the perfect recipe for several years now, since tostitos discontinued the only store-brand salsa I liked. Now, I had to have it.

So for the past two weeks I've been begging, pleading, whining, crying to get him to let me buy it! So last night, I was armed with a coupon and he had no choice. So we head to the store, and lo and behold. They have none!!! Not online, not in stock, and none were being shipped. So today, I made my Husband drive me an hour away where I had the last one in the metro area on hold.

Now I'm a happy girl...until I find my next much-needed item. Poor hubby, poor poor hubby. He is no match to my whining. Good thing he loves me. :)

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